Putin’s spokesman also uses a VPN… to bypass Kremlin censorship

Louise Jean

April 06, 2022 at 12:15 p.m.



© Mikhail Japaridze/TASS/Getty archive

Dmitry Peskov, the spokesman for the Russian government, admitted to using a vpn to circumvent internet censorship in his country.

It was during an interview for a Belarusian television channel that he made this confession. When asked by the journalist, Have you installed a VPN? “, he answered:” Of course, why not, it is not prohibited. »

Bypass censorship

Internet censorship in Russia is getting tougher as the war in Ukraine continues to rage. Access to social media is particularly scrutinized these days, as opposition to the war congregates on Twitter. This censorship is also costly and difficult to maintain. Cuts to Internet and social networks repeated since the beginning of 2022 have already caused Russia to lose $ 861 million.

But, despite the government’s efforts, it remains quite easy to circumvent censorship in Putin’s country. A VPN is enough to give users access to blocked sites and media, such as foreign news channels CNN or BBC. A dozen VPNs, however, are banned in Russia. In theory, only those following government guidelines on censorship are allowed to operate.

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Source: Business Insider

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