Quatennens case: RN deputy Julien Odoul criticizes the positions of LFI officials

RN deputy Julien Odoul criticized on Monday the remarks of “certain officials of La France insoumise” after the political withdrawal of LFI deputy Adrien Quatennens seeing it as “a slap in the face precisely for all women who are victims of violence”.

“When you see certain leaders of rebellious France judging the attitude of Mr. Quatennens as responsible, respectable, transparent, dignified… but it is a slap in the face precisely for all the women who are victims of violence. No, it is not bearable, no, it is not worthy, no it is not tolerable”, insisted Julien Odoul on the set of franceinfo.

He also denounced “a chasm, an ocean, between words, declarations and incantations and then the practice of this party, the behavior of certain elected officials”. “When I see that (Adrien Quatennens) uses inclusive writing to disseminate his press release, I tell him that it will not lessen the slap and that it will not make it bearable”.

“You always have to be careful what you say in life, never wave red rags”

In a long press release published on Twitter on Sunday, the deputy from the North had announced that he was “withdrawing from his function as coordinator” of LFI, acknowledging violence against his wife, “for the sake of transparency and appeasement” he said.

In a tweet, former LFI presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon castigated “police malice, media voyeurism, social networks” which he said were “invited into the conflictual divorce of Adrien and Céline Quatennens”, in particular by causing the handrail deposited by Mrs. Quatennens to leak. “Adrien decides to take everything on himself. I salute his dignity and his courage. I tell him my confidence and my affection,” he added.

The president of the LFI group in the National Assembly Mathilde Panot also spoke on Sunday of “a courageous decision”. “Mr. Quatennens was very harsh, especially with the previous government, on the supposed lack of action against violence against women”, recalled for his part Laurent Marchangeli, president of the Horizons group in the National Assembly, while Emmanuel Macron had made it a national cause. “You always have to be careful what you say in life, never wave red rags,” he quipped.

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