Queen Elizabeth II: Hasn’t she been able to go for a walk in months?

Queen Elizabeth II
Hasn’t she been able to go for a walk in months?

The Queen will celebrate her platinum jubilee in 2022.

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She just canceled the Commonwealth Day service. Now there is growing concern that the Queen will have to skip further appearances.

Can Queen Elizabeth II (95) attend the planned memorial service for her late husband Prince Philip (1921-2021)? There are reportedly fears in the palace that the Queen may be forced to cancel this event as well.

The Queen, who is celebrating her platinum jubilee this year, will not attend the Commonwealth Day (March 14) service at Westminster Abbey in London as planned. The palace had announced this. According to British media reports, however, it is emphasized: “The Queen will take on other planned commitments in the coming week, including personal audiences.”

No more big events for the Queen?

The service for Prince Philip will take place in London on March 29. The monarch still hopes to be able to attend reports “Daily Mail”. However, she may not be “mobile enough to do this,” the paper continues. According to another report, the monarch has been too weak to walk her beloved corgis for the past six months. A source told the Sun: “She’s not doing well enough.”

The Queen, who will be 96 in April, lives at Windsor Castle. She recently received Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (50) there after recovering from a corona infection with mild symptoms. Penny Junor, a royal expert, said, according to the Daily Mail: “The Queen is extraordinary. She has carried on with great vigor for years, but we must remember that she is 95 and not superhuman.” She added: “Other than that she is in great shape. The Queen is fantastic on Zoom calls but I think events that require her to walk or climb steps will no longer be viable.”


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