Queen Elizabeth II: Prince Charles represents his mother on Maundy Thursday

Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Charles represents his mother on Maundy Thursday

Prince Charles stands in for his mother.

© imago/i Images

Queen Elizabeth II has canceled another appointment. Son Prince Charles will represent the 95-year-old at a fair on Maundy Thursday.

Queen Elizabeth II (95) canceled another appointment. As Buckingham Palace announced on Friday, her son Prince Charles (73) and his wife Duchess Camilla (74) will represent the monarch next week. On Maundy Thursday (April 14), the two will take part in a mass in St. George’s Chapel in Windsor.

The fair is one of the most important dates in the calendar of the Royals. Every year on this day, the Queen distributes “alms” to pensioners from the community. It is the first time that heir to the throne, Prince Charles, will inherit this tradition from his mother.

More appointments at Windsor Castle

The Queen had done most of her appointments virtually since she became ill with Covid in February. The monarch will probably also meet future obligations mainly from Windsor Castle. The reason for this is apparently problems with their mobility. “The Queen doesn’t necessarily have health problems, but mobility problems,” Royal expert Camilla Tominey recently explained. “She can no longer stand for long periods of time or walk long distances.” For certain dates, however, she would “set heaven and earth in motion”.

On March 29, she attended a memorial service for Prince Philip (1921-2021) at Westminster Abbey. The monarch should spend the first anniversary of her husband’s death on April 9 in private.


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