Queen Elizabeth II: She takes a break before the platinum anniversary celebration

Queen Elizabeth II
She takes a break before platinum anniversary party

The Queen is refueling in Scotland.

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Queen Elizabeth II has retired to Balmoral Castle. There, the monarch approved a short break.

Celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II’s (96) Platinum Jubilee are fast approaching – on June 2nd the four-day festivities will kick off. Before that, however, the British monarch is taking a short break.

Recharge your batteries in Scotland

As reported by the British “Daily Mail”., the Queen arrived at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, her summer residence, last Thursday evening. She will spend a week there to rest and be prepared for the anniversary weekend. The main multi-day celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee begins on June 2 with the Trooping the Color parade.

Because of her limited mobility, the Queen has had to do without some appearances in the past few weeks. Earlier this month, Her Majesty missed the opening of Parliament for the first time in 59 years, prompting Prince Charles, 73, and Prince William, 39, to co-chair the event on behalf of the Queen. However, the monarch attended a few public events this month, including the Windsor Horse Show, the platinum anniversary celebrations in Windsor and the opening of the Elizabeth Tube line.


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