Queen receives her representative from Canada for tea

Queen Elizabeth II (left) received her representative in Canada, Mary Simon, and her husband Whit Fraser for tea.

Steve Parsons/AP

(dpa) Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II (95) received her representative from Canada for tea on Tuesday. As seen in a photo released by the Palace, the Queen greeted Governor-General Mary Simon and her husband Whit Fraser at Windsor Castle with a smile. The Queen wore a blue and green paisley pattern dress.

The sovereign appearance of her monarch must have surprised many Britons after she canceled her participation in the Commonwealth Day service on Monday at short notice. Concerns about the health of the soon to be 96-year-old queen have been making headlines for months. She recently had a corona infection.

According to reports from the British news agency PA, the reason for the cancellation on Monday was not an acute health problem, but that the Queen was finding it increasingly difficult to travel, even if it was only the approximately 35 kilometers from Windsor Castle to Westminster Abbey in London.

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