Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf: The royal couple was vaccinated against Covid-19

Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf
The royal couple was vaccinated against Covid-19

King Carl XVI. Gustaf of Sweden has received the first dose of his corona vaccination.

© Sara Friberg / Kungl.

King Carl XVI. Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden have received the first dose of their corona vaccination.

King Carl XVI. Gustaf (74) and Queen Silvia (77) of Sweden have been vaccinated against the corona virus. As the royal house announced, the royal couple received the first dose of vaccine on Friday (January 15) on the advice of their personal doctor. The procedure took place at Stenhammar Castle west of Stockholm, where King Carl XVI. Gustaf and Queen Silvia currently live.

"The vaccination against Covid-19 is currently underway in our country. I hope that everyone who has the opportunity to be vaccinated in the coming months will do so so that we can get through this difficult time together and as quickly as possible can ", declared King Carl XVI. Gustaf.

Corona case among the Swedish royals

Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, the Swedish government had taken significantly less strict corona measures compared to other countries and had long relied on recommendations for its citizens. So far, 518,000 cases of infection have been detected in Sweden. The country now has more than 10,000 people who have died as a result of Covid 19 disease. Shortly before Christmas, King Carl XVI. Gustaf in an interview with the public television broadcaster SVT described the Swedish special route as "failed".

There were also two corona cases in the family of the Swedish monarch. His son Prince Carl Philip of Sweden (41) and his wife Princess Sofia (36) went into quarantine at the end of November after a corona infection with mild flu symptoms and have now recovered. With Crown Princess Victoria (43), her husband Daniel of Sweden (47), King Carl Gustaf XVI. and Queen Silvia a subsequent test was negative.
