Quiz Lost: can you recognize these survivors?

What are these survivors of “Lost” called? Test yourself with our special quiz and try it without fail. Warning, spoilers!

“When their plane crashes on a seemingly deserted island, a group of survivors must work together to survive in a hostile environment” : Here is a synopsis that seemed simple. But from its first episode, Lost made no secret of its penchant for the intricate puzzles and other mysteries that made the series the legend it is today.

The famous creation of JJ Abrams, Jeffrey Lieber and Damon Lindelof was born in 2004. Complex and enlightened, its plot is nothing familiar. Mixing science and science fiction, natural and supernatural, present, past, future and life after death, the series with multiple philosophical, scientific, artistic, religious and historical references, anagrams and hidden clues, has fueled the craziest theories and has never ceased to surprise, confuse and question its viewer, but above all to fascinate.

Innovative in every way, the show is also known for having focused on many protagonists. Although an ensemble cast was nothing new, it stood out for the internationality of its cast and the “centered” aspect it managed to give to each of its characters at one time or another. another of his story, making their arcs multi-dimensional and comprehensive.

This quiz is dedicated to them: do you remember the first and/or last names of some of the survivors of Lost ? This is what we will see…

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