R. Kelly: This is how a guilty verdict is responded to

R. Kelly
This is how they react to their guilty verdict

R. Kelly has been found guilty in the abuse trial.

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US musician R. Kelly has been found guilty in the abuse trial. These are the reactions to the jury’s verdict.

US musician R. Kelly (54) was found guilty of all nine counts in the abuse trial in New York on Monday. He had been charged with extortion in connection with child sexual exploitation, kidnapping, forced labor and other charges. The sentence is still pending, but the reactions of the victims and other process participants and observers were not long in coming.

This is how the victims react

Prosecutor Jerhonda Johnson Pace, 28, celebrated the news of the verdict on Monday on her Instagram page in two words on a black background: “Judgment? Guilty.”

The singer Sparkle, whose real name is Stephanie Edwards (46), went public with the allegation that R. Kelly had sexually abused her underage niece. Edwards said she felt “vindicated” that she was one of the first to go public with the allegations against Kelly.

Another woman on the stand, referred to only as Sonja, told the Daily Beast“That she was” happy with the verdict and grateful that the jury listened to us. “” I’m afraid of Robert Kelly [R. Kellys Geburtsname, Red.] hidden because he threatened me, now I am ready to live my life free from fear and start the healing process, “said Sonja.

“We got justice today,” Kitti Jones, a former Dallas radio DJ who gave up her career to be with Kelly, told the portal. “I wouldn’t say I’ve drawn a line now because in the end neither of us will get our time back. But that’s a small win.”

That’s what the lawyers say

Gerald Griggs, an attorney who represents several Kelly prosecutors and their families, told the portal he was “happy and relieved” that the singer will finally have to pay for his crimes. Griggs’ clients include the parents of Joycelyn Savage, who still poses as one of Kelly’s friends and was nowhere to be seen during the trial.

Gloria Allred, attorney for several of Kelly’s accusers, also praised the verdict in federal court in Brooklyn on Monday. “R. Kelly thought he could get away with all of this, but he isn’t because even though he thought he could control all of his victims, he was wrong,” said Allred. “Thanks to their courage and the excellent work of federal officials and officials Prosecutors in this case served justice, “Allred added. “Let this be a message to other celebrities who are also using their fame to exploit their fans and others unlucky enough to come into contact with them: They too must face serious consequences for their criminal behavior.”

“Today’s guilty verdict forever marks R. Kelly as a predator who used his fame and fortune to abuse young, vulnerable, and defenseless people for its own sexual ends,” said District Attorney Jacquelyn Kasulis according to “New York Times” after the proclamation. The jury had sent a “strong message” to men like R. Kelly: “No matter how long it takes, the judiciary will get you.”

Actress Mia Farrow (76) tweeted: “Another monster will stay in prison.”

R. Kelly faces ten years in prison

The prosecution had heard a total of 45 witnesses since the start of the trial in mid-August, including friends and family of the 54-year-old as well as employees and long-time doctors. In her three-hour closing speech, Prosecutor Elizabeth Geddes concluded that R. Kelly had used “lies, manipulation, threats and physical abuse” to keep his victims docile for years. Geddes also spoke of an entire network that protected the musician and systematically recruited victims.

R. Kelly himself did not make a statement. He denies all allegations and pleaded not guilty. As the public prosecutor announced on Monday (September 27), the jury found the singer guilty. Now he faces ten years in prison, and the singer has been in custody since 2019.


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