r/Place: France vs Germany, spez, ????… the best Pixel War memes

The return of r/Place and the Pixel War on Reddit is an opportunity for communities to show their strength, by creating sumptuous drawings. For creators of memes, it is above all an opportunity to have fun.

The war has been raging for a little less than 24 hours on r/Place, but Internet users did not wait long before regaling us with memes. The Pixel War, a gigantic event organized on Reddit in 2017 and 2022, made its big comeback in 2023. The principle is simple: a huge white canvas is made available to users. Everyone can drop a pixel, anywhere on the canvas, every five minutes. To be able to bring out drawings, you have to organize yourself as a group.

These very simple rules always give rise to a lot of good-natured clashes between the communities of Reddit and more generally of the Internet. Last year, the “ troops by the French streamer Kameto had thus helped France to conquer a piece of the web, and to decorate it. The videographer’s efforts and the war he waged against other Spanish internet stars went down in history. This year promises to be just as epic.

For further

France at war with Germany (for fakes)

Gone are the Spaniards. This year, it is Germany that France faces for supremacy on the web. From the start, French Internet users managed to occupy a large area of ​​the web, making an imposing flag. Germany, which occupies neighboring territory, did not particularly agree with this. Between dubious references to the old world wars and to football matches, the “memers” had a blast.

Germany and France becoming 100% patriotic when r/Place returns // Source: Reddit / Numerama screenshot
Germany and France becoming 100% patriotic when r/Place returns // Source: Reddit / Numerama screenshot
The map of Europe according to r/Place // Source: Reddit / Numerama screenshot
The map of Europe according to r/Place. // Source: Reddit / Numerama screenshot
meme france reddit
France terrifies the rest of r/Place. // Source: DragonfuryBis

The revolt against spez

It’s not just the war between France and Germany that is raging: the revolt against a certain “spez” is also brewing. We can indeed see, in many places on the web, messages of insults towards him, such as several ” fuck spez “. Above all, at the top of the space there is a huge message in German, ” u/spez ist ein hurensohn “, translated as ” user spez is a son of a bitch “.

Spez is none other than the nickname on Reddit of Steve Huffman, the boss of the site. Internet users are particularly angry with him because of several divisive decisions taken recently by the latter – and all Reddit is organizing on r/Place to show him.

Reddit admins: Let's run r/Space again!  // Source: Reddit
Reddit admins: Let’s run r/Place again! // Source: Reddit
Reddit admins:
Reddit admins: Ok, so since everyone on Reddit hates us, we have to run r/Place to make them forget everything! “. Redditots: fuck spez “. // Source: Reddit
I wonder why everyone is googling this // Source: Reddit
I wonder why everyone is googling this “. // Source: Reddit
r/Place is very nice this year // Source: Reddit
r/Place is very nice this year // Source: Reddit
For further

Source: Screenshot

Canada and its leaf

It’s not just France and Germany that are trying to get a place on the web. We thus find the flag of India, Portugal, Brazil, or even Tunisia. Canada also attempted to draw its flag on a corner of r/Place and…it didn’t quite go to plan.

In the face of the debacle, the BC region government felt compelled to share an official flag recall on Reddit.

To all r/Space participants: this is what the flag of Canada looks like // Source: Reddit
To all r/Place participants: this is what the flag of Canada looks like. // Source: Reddit

However, it would seem that it is not really the fault of the Canadians: the latter would be under attack. In the subreddit r/PlaceDE, the group dedicated to German cartoons, a desperate user posted a plea for help. “ Help us, Germany. You are our only hope. Canada has been targeted by Reddit. They destroyed our flag as a meme. As r/Place’s sole superpower, I humbly ask for your help on behalf of my country. »

Canada's call for help // Source: Reddit
Canada’s call for help // Source: Reddit

Unfortunately for Canada, their call for help does not seem to have been heard. It would even seem that the opposite has happened: the flag of Canada is now invaded by Germany. No mercy on r/Place.

The betrayal // Source: Numerama screenshot
The treason. // Source: Numerama screenshot

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