Rachida Dati: From “girl everyone hated in her party” to queen of the essential clash

Those who found the presidential campaign not very foliochonne and even more that of the legislative elections however agree on one point: Rachida Dati set the mood! The former Minister of Justice caused a sensation on the sets of election evenings in this year 2022, qualified as queen of clash, punchline or even buzz. The Parisian returned to the media power of Nicolas Sarkozy’s famous minister.

By being promoted to Minister of Justice fifteen years ago, Rachida Dati saw her career and also her notoriety explode, becoming a phenomenon with also her pregnancy at 42 years old. However, The Parisian who was interested in the media popularity of the 56-year-old politician underlines that she had been discreet since her failure in the Parisian municipal elections in 2020, against her best enemy Anne Hidalgo. With the presidential elections, her coast returned to the top, she who supported her LR family and Valérie Pécresse to the end, without however failing to launch some fierce criticism.

She knew how to keep a kind of aura. Faced with those who left for La République en Marche or the National Rally, she never changed course. The chick everyone hated in her party showed that she’s stuck with her band“, estimates a pundit of France Télévisions. For another, “it is a landmark for those nostalgic for Nicolas Sarkozy and the past of a glorious right“. An RMC executive adds: “She is a woman who is not afraid, who goes into battle. It shows on the air. And guarantees him to be often reinvited.“A journalist from BFM noted that she “also has the advantage of being a woman, identified by viewers, which we find less and less“.

Pascal Praud, figure of Cnews and lover of clash in his broadcasts, paints an implacable portrait of Rachida Dati: “it is cash, direct, sincere, volcanic and above all very credible. She makes short sentences, pulls out punchlines at all costs… She is very strong. And she understood everything from television.” This is how she worked wonders on TF1 and France 2 on several occasions during election nights. Whether by clashing by attacking Sandrine Rousseau against Anne-Sophie Lapix, or by targeting Clémentine Autain twice, after the re-election of Emmanuel Macron and then for the first round of the legislative elections. Her frankness and loyalty earned her praise from Internet users who took up her buzz and she succeeded in the feat of often arousing the admiration and respect if we observe the comments on the net, a rare thing on the ruthless Web…

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