Raikov Method: How This Psycho Trick Should Make Us Smarter

Raikov method
How this psycho trick is supposed to make us smarter

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Would you like to be smarter, more analytical or quick-witted? The Raikov method, developed by the psychotherapist of the same name, is intended to make this possible.

Perhaps there is a person in history or in your lives that you particularly admire. Whose qualities you would like to have, their charisma or intelligence. The so-called Raikov method is intended to help acquire such mental traits from another person. what’s up

Experiments with hypnosis show the Raikov effect

The Russian psychotherapist Dr. In the 1960s and 70s, Vladimir Raikov analyzed the human psyche in various studies. One method for this was to put his patients in deep hypnosis. They should imagine in their trance that they are a certain genius of history. Interestingly, some of these people actually showed better skills and (apparently) higher intelligence. One test person, for example, was supposed to put herself in the position of the Italian Renaissance artist Raffael – and then really began to be able to draw very quickly and well. She was even able to paint a picture of Raphael.

These experiments and their result are known in psychology as the Raikov effect or Raikov method. And we can still use the findings of Raikov’s investigations for ourselves today, without any hypnosis. Because this technique can help us in everyday life to acquire the intelligence and success of others.

The Raikov method: how we can use it

  1. In order to take our mental abilities to a new level with the Raikov Method, we must first choose a person as a role model that we want to emulate. That can be Marie Curie with her clever scientific mind as well as Oprah Winfrey with her emotional and social intelligence.
  2. Next, we imagine that we are that person. We visualize ourselves as that person in real situations and consider how we would think and act as them.
  3. We must firmly believe that not only can we develop the desired abilities of our role model, but that we already have them within us.
  4. The more often we use and practice the Raikov Method, the more we internalize these qualities and can thus manifest to be smarter, faster or more charismatic – and thus more successful in the long term.

Can the Raikov Method really make us smarter?

Of course, this technique is not about really becoming that other person. We don’t have to and shouldn’t become Oprah Winfrey’s or any other smart person’s (mental) double. Rather, the Raikov effect should enable us to break out of our deadlocked thought processes and thus get a completely new view of the situation. And it is easier for us to do this if we mentally look at a problem through the eyes of another person. In this way, we may develop ideas and approaches to solutions that we would probably never have come up with with our usual perspective.

Whether this method can actually increase our IQ is another matter. But in any case, it can help us to react smarter and more flexibly to problems, to become more creative and maybe even a little smarter.

Sources used: yourtango.com, karrierebibel.de, thelawofattraction.com


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