Rail traffic – Germany’s 49-euro ticket should come from May – news

  • In Germany, the federal and state governments have agreed to start a 49-euro monthly ticket on May 1st.
  • In future, passengers will be able to use local public transport throughout Germany.
  • The approval of the EU Commission is still pending.

“What many wish for will become reality on May 1st,” said the chairman of the conference of transport ministers, Transport Minister Oliver Krischer (Greens, North Rhine-Westphalia), after the meeting of a federal-state working group.

Sales of nationwide tickets for buses and trains in regional transport should therefore start on April 3rd, he said. Not only has progress been made on these issues, “but a final agreement has been reached on the really important points,” said Krischer.


The 9-euro ticket was very popular last year.

KEYSTONE/DPA/Boris Roessler

However, the agreement is still subject to the EU Commission approving the 49-euro ticket. The project concerns state aid issues which the Commission is currently examining.

Popular predecessor: the 9-euro ticket

In the months of June, July and August last year, passengers in Germany were able to travel throughout Germany for nine euros a month on local public transport. On the one hand, the special ticket was intended to relieve consumers financially in view of rising prices. On the other hand, the ticket was also an attempt to get more passengers excited about public transport in the long term.

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