Rainbow Six Siege: Japanese Azami will make her debut in Year 7

And no question of slowing down for the team of creative director Alexander Karpazis, who even speaks of the most ambitious year since the launch of the game. More than just a new year of content, the instruction is to make improvements to substance and introduce agents who will be able to change the situation. Starting with Azami, an elegant operator from Japan whose gadget in the shape of a kunai can “counter enemy lines of sight, block entry points, create new angles of defense, all with the flick of your wrist“, we are told.

If Ubisoft had been focused on revamping the maps that needed it the most, Year 7 will finally mark the arrival of new playgrounds for the first time in three years. The team also promises to continue its fight against toxic behavior at an unprecedented level for Ubisoft, without forgetting to carry out substantive work to ensure the game’s technical durability. One way to say that there is no question of replacing the current game for any Rainbow Six Siege 2.

The program for the year is detailed throughout the 10 minutes of video, with its 4 seasons and as many new agents, starting with the return from Japan which will therefore mark Azami’s debut. The following seasons will take us to Belgium, Singapore and Colombia. We can see that three new cards are expected this year, but also that the team dedicated to consoles is working on an option to adjust the field of vision, a parameter often requested by competitors who wish to widen their field of vision and therefore their reaction capacities.

Last but not least, support for cross-play and cross-progression is taking longer than initially expected and will finally be available at the end of the year, during season 4. Ubisoft will also launch a mode team deathmatch and integrate different aids to facilitate the integration of newcomers, including a shooting range to test the recoil of weapons, videos providing tips for agents and their gadgets or even simulations to practice game mechanics and situations.

Finally, Ubisoft also shared a big candy for lovers of lore with a cinematic recounting the journey of the sisters Ela and Zofia. Regarding storytelling, Ubisoft will now focus on the military aspect of Agents, which will include a deep split with Nighthaven, a division of Team Rainbow into squads, and more interactions between in-game Agents.

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