Range of services – A deep view enables diagnosis and treatment

More than 1,000 radiological examinations are carried out every day at Klagenfurt Clinic and Villach LKH alone – from classic x-rays to mammography and computer tomography to minimally invasive interventional procedures.

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen received the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901 for the discovery of the rays named after him: They revolutionized medical diagnostics, because they allow views into the organs and vessels, whereby diseases can be recognized and treated.

Sonography detects vascular calcifications on the carotid artery, which could have led to a stroke. With a CT-guided puncture, a biopsy of a suspicious pulmonary nodule can be performed.

Ablation is an option for interventional radiology
Malignant tissue is destroyed by means of heat. Cyroablation, the use of cold, also saves the patient an operation. All of these possibilities will be remembered on Monday: World Radiology Day.

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