Raphaël Glucksmann proud of his partner Léa Salamé: “She has a great career”

Raphaël Glucksmann has shared Léa Salamé’s life for almost nine years. A tender love story that clearly does not run out of steam over time. Far from there. As proof, this Wednesday, May 15 at Paris Match, the candidate for the European elections made rare confidences about his life as a couple. According to his revelations, the 44-year-old essayist is still admiring the career of the host of What an era! on France 2.

According to Raphaël Glucksmann’s words to our colleagues, the couple has found a rather healthy balance. “I like that she doesn’t encroach on my space and I don’t encroach on hers. She has a great career, and from the moment we cross these boundaries, it would jeopardize our trajectories“, he first estimated. For the moment, and for many years now, their mantra consists of “not to expose yourself“and to”respect each other’s space“.”This is what makes our relationship strong. These are two destinies, not a merger“, he added, lovingly.

⋙ PHOTOS – From Raphaël Glucksmann to Nicolas Demorand : these men who marked the life of Léa Salamé

Léa Salamé roomed for her couple with Raphaël Glucksmann

Saturday April 27, on the set of What an era!, Léa Salamé was very destabilized by Philippe Caverivière’s column. And for good reason, always very teasing, the comedian had mentioned the next European elections. An ideal subject for the latter who then did not hesitate to openly criticize the candidate for the European elections.

So, Lea […] I think you are roommates with one of the candidates [aux élections européennes]so we won’t say his name, of course, it’s the handsome guy who rides the bike“, explained Philippe Caverivière. And added, not without humor :Raphaël Glucksmann, so he struggles to catch up with everyone. […] He doesn’t jerk off one, in fact!“A daring remark which greatly embarrassed the host. Both embarrassed and amused, she then hid behind her cards.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: AGENCE / BESTIMAGE

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