Rare boy names: unusual first names for boys

Parents sometimes show a lot of creativity when it comes to the first name for their baby. So that the sons are unique from birth, they often come up with very interesting baby names during pregnancy. "Inti", "Finnegan" or "Dzamel" are just three examples that visitors to the website www.beliebte-vornamen.de mentioned when they called on them to post rare boy names.

Sometimes parents seem to want to give the boys a life mission right away. Should "Friedemann" end all wars in the world? Or "Rigobert" defeat a kite? And are mom and dad possibly angry later, should "Börge" not really be in Scandinavia – even though the origin of his name has already given him that in the cradle?

Be that as it may, we are happy to be inspired and introduce you to 35 other beautiful examples of unusual boy names.

What you should consider with rare first names

  • If you choose a fancy baby name, it is advisable to limit yourself to a single name. "Knud Elrik Okko" may be a little too eccentric after all – besides, no one can remember that.
  • It is also a good idea to google the meaning and origin of the name beforehand. Not that there is a stupid surprise at some point – or that you accidentally chose the wrong gender.
  • In addition, you should pay attention to a not too complicated spelling (who wants to spell his first name every time?) And clarify beforehand whether the corresponding name is also permitted in Germany.

Rare boy names: 35 suggestions

  1. Milo
  2. Lennet
  3. Dusty
  4. Veit
  5. Finjas
  6. Hergen
  7. Bazon
  8. Honke
  9. Teoman
  10. Hayo
  11. Elk
  12. Johnten
  13. Hermes
  14. Jemy
  15. Sirius
  16. taro
  17. Daikin
  18. Olias
  19. Joris
  20. Sevin
  21. Neo
  22. Menzel
  23. Kane
  24. Maths
  25. Nolan
  26. Hanno
  27. Tyrees
  28. Léan
  29. Jaron
  30. Yamir
  31. Tomke
  32. Basil
  33. Okko
  34. Elrik
  35. Emilian

You are not looking for a boy's name, but for rare names of girls Here are our suggestions:

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