Rare film hits guaranteed: Internet archive makes 56,000 VHS cassettes free

If you follow our download button, you will find yourself directly on the appropriate website from “archive.org”. In the search field you can search for various terms – for example the title or the TV channel. If you enter “Spongebob” here, you will get 133 hits.

For example, if you would like to watch the original pilot episode from 1997, simply select the desired recording with a mouse click. In the following window you will now see a video player. Now click the “Play” icon, start playing the clip. Below the player you will find a description and additional information.

If you would like to download recordings, you will find an info box with the title “Download Options” and links with a blue background on the respective page of the recording. Click here on “MPEG4” to go directly to the video file in MP4 format and save it with a right click.

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