Raspberry Pi shortage: Eben Upton has been misunderstood and hopes to see the situation improve quickly


Hardware and Gaming Specialist

November 11, 2022 at 11:15 a.m.


Raspberry Pi 4 Model B logo

© RaspberryPi

An improvement in availability that could lead to a return to “normal” within a year.

A recent interview with Eben Upton, the CEO of the business entity Raspberry Pi had raised fears that the shortage around Raspberry boards might still be relevant all of 2023. It would have been misunderstood.

Misinterpretation of his words

To our colleagues from Tom’s Hardware, Eben Upton actually wanted to answer that his words were misinterpreted. The Raspberry Pi shortage – all models combined – has been going on for over a year now.

Eben Upton seemed to indicate that alas, he expected the situation to be still particularly delicate over the next twelve months, or even over the whole of next year.

Raspberry Pi 4

© RaspberryPi

Words that were lent to him by mistake and on which, Eben Upton insisted on returning through a kind of “right of reply” published by our colleagues.

End of the shortage within a year

In reality, Eben Upton wants to be rather optimistic. He obviously recognizes the current difficulties in finding Raspberry Pis on the market, but he believes that the situation will quickly improve.

Thus, instead of a shortage that will last for the whole of next year, he considers that the difficulties should disappear within a year: “ There is a big difference between being sure that any shortages will be behind us in a year and feeling that there will be another year of shortages. “.

According to Eben Upton, the availability of Raspberry Pi should therefore improve over the next few months and return to “normal” within a year. Rather good news overall.

Source : Tom’s Hardware

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