“Real equality of opportunity goes through the fight against discrimination”

Tribune. “I was not taken for the job. I did not have to match the profile! “ or “I applied for an apprenticeship contract but it was my classmate who was selected. However, the employer that I had contacted a few days before had told me that he did not need anyone this year… ”. These sentences, I have heard them many times, first as a teacher in an apprenticeship training center in which I worked for nearly twenty-five years, but also as an elected official, during of my meetings with the constituents of my constituency.

This observation, which I have observed for many years now, depicts a larger reality: that of the discrimination which still persists in our country and which undermines our national cohesion. This discrimination of all kinds is particularly prevalent in the field of employment.

In a recent study released Wednesday, October 6 (carried out by the cabinet Occurrence for the association Diversidays), 48% of the employees surveyed believe that they have been the victims of discrimination within their company. For young employees, this problem is even more present since 76% of them say they have witnessed at least one discrimination and 95% therefore expect more commitment from their company on this issue.

A serene and peaceful society

This reality challenges me and especially shocks me deeply. Indeed, the moment we are living now must more than ever be devoted to awareness, because this question constitutes a major challenge for the defense of our values ​​and our republican pact.

Faced with all kinds of populists who are working to dismember our society, it is urgent to strengthen the foundations of our Republic, one and indivisible.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Employment: recruitment to the challenge of diversity

At a time when some would like to pit the French against each other, on the basis of differences which are nevertheless our wealth, I answer: equality of opportunity. Equal opportunities which also constitute equality of choice which all our fellow citizens should be able to enjoy.

I am deeply convinced that this principle constitutes the sine qua non of a serene and peaceful society; a principle which must henceforth become a concrete reality for all, and which undoubtedly requires strengthening our fight against discrimination.

The challenges that await us today are immense.

Law proposition

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