Real estate More and more Lyonnais are investing in these towns

First in Ain, in Miribel, Beynost, Meximieux…

The influx of Lyonnais to the territory of the Côtière de l’Ain and along the Saône continues. “It’s an active population, aged 30 to 50, mostly senior executives, whose budget is around €300,000. For that price, it is difficult for them to buy a 3-bedroom apartment in Lyon when they can have a 5-room house in the Plaine de l’Ain/Côtière”, explains Me Lætitia Jossier, member of the Ain Chamber of Notaries.

“They are mainly looking for houses and apartments with beautiful exteriors. Products that they no longer find at reasonable prices in the metropolis of Lyon”, observes Stéphanie Prost,…

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