Real estate: owners of thermal colanders resist


Despite the ban on the most energy-intensive properties being rented, the share of F- and G-class homes put up for sale in 2022 has remained stable.

Through The

The real estate market has not experienced any upheavals, despite the entry into force of the new law on thermal sieves. (Illustrative photo).
© Bruno Levesque / MAXPPP / IP3 PRESS/MAXPPP

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Lhe regulations on thermal colanders have not caused the prices of the goods concerned to fall, as some professionals feared. Since 1er January 2023, in mainland France, housing that consumes more than 450 kilowatt hours per square meter per year is prohibited from being rented. Last year, the share of properties classified F and G put up for sale remained stable, however, representing 8% of the real estate supply, according to a study by the network of Guy Hoquet agencies unveiled by The Sunday newspaper.

“A certain alarmism was spreading following these rental bans, but only a limited number of properties are concerned”, assures Stéphane Fritz, president of Guy Hoquet. Indeed, 190,000 rental units are rated G+ in the energy performance diagnosis, the class concerned by the first bans of 2023, according to the National Observatory for Energy Renovation.

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The prospects for the application of the new law have not turned the sector upside down. The number of energy strainers put up for sale in 2022 changed only very slightly, with increases between 0.1 and 2 percentage points in most of the cities studied. In Paris, listings of F and G homes are higher than in the rest of the country: 21.6% of supply, up 8.3 points. “The colanders are much more numerous in Paris because of an old park, recalls Stéphane Fritz, president of Guy Hoquet. And the renovation work is more complicated to carry out, because the majority of the properties are in joint ownership. »

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A situation that can be explained by the behavior of the owners of energy-intensive properties. “We thought that landlords, unable to do renovations, were going to sell their property. But the arguments for not selling take precedence, ”says Henry Buzy-Cazaux, president of the Institute for the management of real estate services. Among these reasons is the declining value of energy strainers. According to the Guy Hoquet agencies, goods F and G were marketed 10% cheaper than the average in 2022. A market development that represents a risk: non-compliance with the law.

“Some of the owners will not carry out the work and only the tenant can report it. But given the difficulty of finding accommodation, dragging an owner to court is not easy, ”explains Henry Buzy-Cazaux to the newspaper. An argument that encourages owners to continue to rent, despite the restrictions to come. The ban on renting goods labeled G for their energy performance must take place in 2025, before F in 2028 and E in 2034.


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