Reality stars fight: this is the new trash show

In "Kampf der Realitystars" TV celebrities like Jürgen Milski or Georgina Fleur compete to prove themselves as "The best reality star".

It's not easy to be a reality star. You are better known than the average person – but what is often not very flattering for what. With this discrepancy, the new reality show "Battle of Reality Stars – Shipwreck on Dream Beach" always plays on Wednesdays at RTLzwei, in which TV asterisks play for the title "Realitystar 2020" and 50,000 euros – but are also often confronted with the image that Public of them.

Maybe it wasn't a bad idea by pop star Annemarie Eilfeld (30) to take her Bible with her. "Big Brother" veteran Jürgen Milski (56) prefers to believe in himself: "I think it's good if they have such respect for me," he says confidently to the other participants when he arrives. "So I've been a reality star for 20 years." Where he is right … The other stars at the beginning of the saga: Andrea von Sayn-Wittgenstein (60, "Goodbye Germany"), Hubert Fella (52, "The Summer House of Stars"), Kate Merlan (33, "The Summer House der Stars "), Momo Chahine (22," Deutschland sucht den Superstar "), Oliver Sanne (33," The Bachelor ") and Sandy Fähse (35," Berlin – Day & Night ").

First overestimations

After the first eight participants have arrived on the beach in Thailand and examined their not-so-unluxury accommodation, the first task is flown by drone: The stars should be sorted according to popularity, which was previously recorded in a survey. Jürgen comes up with the one of course, Kate agrees to take the last place, the rest is distributed relatively indiscriminately, because you have to start somewhere. But, surprise: "DSDS" -Sunnyboy Momo is on the one. Milski, the "Captain of the Reality Stars", as he had originally named himself, comes fourth. A visible damper for Jürgen, who no longer understands the world. "I don't really know why that is."

Speaking of overconfidence: The first, somewhat constructed-looking stress comes from "Berlin – Tag & Nacht" hobby actor Sandy, who attacks ex-"Bachelor" Oliver – because the "Bachelor" types on the red carpet always get more attention than he.

The next day, the celebrities have to face another reality check in the first game: They are supposed to assess the catchphrases with which Germany connects them and reality stars in general. The beds of the participants are at stake. According to RTLzwei, the answers come again from a survey and are not exactly nice – most people associate Annemarie Eilfeld with the words "Zicke" and "stupid", for example. The only sad thing is that she is not even surprised. At the end there are only three beds for eight participants. Whoever gets them is also quickly determined: the three oldest players. Solidarity, it still exists.

"Hey please, it hurts me a lot"

At dinner, Momo understands for the first time the full rigor of the game principle: Whoever flies out doesn't decide the spectators here, but the players themselves. That also means that the most likeable player is the biggest competitor. Jürgen, who seems to have lost a bit of empathy for Ballermann in the last twenty years, immediately announces to Momo: "You are my biggest competitor, so I have to choose you." The sensitive little tick is visibly shocked: "Hey please, it hurts me completely."

The next shock comes in the morning by boat: The twins Yana and Tayisiya Morderger (23), allegedly known from "Farmer Seeking Woman" and "Shopping Queen". Jürgen: "At first I thought you would have bred them in the laboratory and something would have gone wrong with the voices." And there is more replenishment: Reality- "I was everywhere" – Queen Georgina Fleur (30) and "Prince Charming" participant Sam (28).

The hour of truth

With the next drone, the balance of power on the beach shifts: The participants learn that not just them, but only the new ones, are allowed to throw out two participants in the "hour of truth". Before that there is a game as a way to secure a place. The celebrities have to transport liquids back and forth in cocktail glasses over a slippery field. Let's make it short: Jürgen wins.

At the first hour of truth, Cathy Hummels (32) also appears and explains what it is all about. No less than about the question: Who is the best reality star (and wins 50,000 euros)? Hubert won't be, the twins choose him, for whatever reason. Georgina and Sam throw out ex- "Bachelor" Oliver – because he seems mentally strong enough to cope with the defeat. That fits: "When the name came up, I knew it just wasn't there anymore …", said Momo in tears. Milski sums up wisely: "This is the game here and we know that one thing is totally safe here: that nothing is safe." If anyone needs to know, it's the captain, of course.
