Rebecca Mir: Pregnant? Now Massimo Sinató reports

Rebecca Mir – her husband takes a final stand on the pregnancy rumors

Rebecca Mir: Pregnant? Massimo Sinató makes a final statement

Rebecca Mir, 28, and husband Massimo Sinató, 39, are one of Germany's dream couples. The top model and the professional dancer have been a couple since 2012 and have been happily married since 2015. So of course it's not surprising that fans want a baby that would take their love to the next level. In the past, pregnancy rumors were circulated again and again: Her followers on Instagram repeatedly wrote a baby bump on the dark-haired beauty or even said that she was deliberately hiding her stomach.

Mir and Sinató had made it very clear several times: Children are an issue at some point, but currently they wanted to enjoy their life. And now the "Let's Dance" star is commenting on the ongoing rumors in his Instagram story and wants to finally clear the table: There he shares a message that claims he has revealed the due date for the baby with Rebecca Mir. He writes: "Fairy tale hour reloaded ??"

Only recently did he make it clear during a question and answer session on the subject of having children: "If it comes, then it comes! Sounds like me and her husband haven't even started planning – the baby rumors are nothing more than Rumors.

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