Rebecca Mir: The presenter is celebrating her catwalk comeback in Paris

Rebecca Me
The presenter celebrates her catwalk comeback in Paris

Rebecca Mir is back on the catwalk.

© L’Oréal Paris

Rebecca Mir is celebrating her catwalk comeback at Fashion Week in Paris. Massimo Sinató and their son could not be missing.

Catwalk comeback for Rebecca Mir (29) at Fashion Week in Paris: Around six months after the birth of her son, she walked the catwalk again for the first time for L’Oréal Paris on the historic “Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre” . A historic place where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in 1948.

With the fashion show “Le Défilé”, the cosmetics company transformed the historic location into a place of women’s rights and equality. I didn’t just bring my husband Massimo Sinató (40) and their son to this very special modeling job. Her mother and little sister also accompanied the presenter, as she reveals in the interview.

Did you miss the catwalk?

Rebecca Mir: Yes, very much. I’m so excited to be on the catwalk for the very first time – and then in Paris too! I feel very honored to be able to be part of the show.

How great was the nervousness before your catwalk comeback?

Mir: Usually I don’t have any problems with nervousness, neither in front of the camera nor at public appearances. But this time I have to admit: shortly before I went on the catwalk, I was a little more nervous than I thought. But positively nervous, full of anticipation!

Did you bring your husband and son with you to Paris too?

Me: Sure, nothing works without the little one. For me, the only jobs that really come into question are now that I can take him with me. This time the whole family is in Paris, including my mom and my little sister. Right out of my comeback on the catwalk, we made a weekend together in this beautiful city.

The L’Oréal Paris fashion show is all about equal rights for women. Which women have shaped you yourself, do you have role models?

Me: My grandmother and of course my mom have shaped me a lot – both of them absolute power women. My grandma was always well dressed, sewed her own costumes and always had a super modern style. It would also be a great fit for Paris. From mom and grandma I learned to combine everyday work with family and private life without putting myself at the back of my mind. But they are still great role models for me.

In your opinion, what makes a strong woman?

Me: For me, a strong woman is someone who is at peace with himself. Beauty and strength always come from within.

The show also draws attention to the “Stand Up” training program against public harassment. Have you ever had to go through such experiences?

Me: I know so many women to whom this has already happened. This fact alone is incredibly sad and that is exactly why we have to take action against it and draw attention to it. So I think it’s all the better that LÒrèal Paris is campaigning for the program with the Defilé Show, and it’s even better that I can be there!

What tips can you give women?

Mir: Especially when it takes place in public, women affected should not be afraid to draw attention to themselves and get help. Hopefully it will be possible to quickly escape the situation and show the other person his limits.

If you wanted to be a man for a day, what would you do then?

Me: I can’t think of much that a man could do that I can’t do as a woman. Okay, a few things are in the nature of things, but I can do without them.

What values ​​do you want to give your son in particular?

Me: He should learn that it is important to stick together. Especially in the family and among good friends, it is important that you can always rely on each other. Therefore, I would like to teach him how to treat his fellow human beings in a respectful and loving manner. Compassion, gratitude and self-confidence are also important values ​​for me that I would like to convey to him. He should know that no matter what he wants to achieve, he can also do it if he believes in himself strongly enough.


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