Rebel Moon on Netflix: these two actors played the same character in Game of Thrones!

Before being enemies in the Netflix blockbuster Rebel Moon, these two actors played the same character in the hit series Game of Thrones.

We can no longer count the actors we discovered thanks to Game of Thrones or who were part of its cast. Sometimes they cross paths on the set of other productions. This is particularly the case in Rebel Moon, the Netflix blockbuster directed by Zack Snyder.

It’s not one or two, but three actors from Rebel Moon who have visited Westeros in the past. And two of them played the same role! If you’ve watched the HBO series, then you know that we’re talking about Ed Skrein and Michel Huisman, who plays Admiral Noble and Gunnar, a farmer who decides to take up arms, in the Netflix film.

We are in season 3 of Game of Thrones when the writers introduce the character of Daario Naharis, a Tyrosh mercenary who quickly becomes an ally/lover of Daenerys (Emilia Clarke). It was first of all Ed Skrein who lent his features, before being replaced the following season by Huisman. The reason for this change has never been explained, although Nobel’s interpreter declares to anyone who will listen that it is a political choice.

“It was difficult to talk to him”: this Rebel Moon actor was so into his role that he scared the film crews

The latter does not seem to have held any resentment towards Huisman’s still, as he explains in this interview given to Screenrant : “We clicked well from the start. There was no awkward moment or anything. He’s a good guy and I really had a good time with him on set”.

Ed Skrein and Michel Huisman aren’t the only two actors from the Rebel Moon cast to have starred in Game of Thrones. Staz Nair, the interpreter of Tarak, slipped into the costume of Qhono (a Dothraki) in the last three seasons. But with his suit, his beard and his long hair, it is much more difficult to recognize him!

These three actors will in any case be back in Rebel Moon part 2, expected on Netflix on April 19.

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