Recall: These noodles should no longer be eaten

Hallucination warning
Recall: These noodles should no longer be eaten

© CKP1001 / Shutterstock

Be careful, a recall has been issued for pasta from Edeka, Alnatura and Alb-Gold Teigwaren GmbH. The spaghetti could trigger hallucinations, among other things, and should never be eaten again.

Noodles are our salvation for long days and hungry bellies – and therefore always fill our pantry. We should therefore pay special attention to this recall: It is about spaghetti that was sold in several supermarkets across Germany and that should no longer be eaten. They contain a so-called ergot alkaloids, which can cause health problems.

Recall of pasta from Alnatura

The following noodles are specifically affected by the recall:

  • Wholegrain spelled spaghetti
  • Brand: Alnatura
  • from organic farming, organic land
  • In the 500 gram pack
  • Best before date: 02/26/2023

Recall of noodles of the brand Beste Land Quality

  • Organic whole-grain spelled spaghetti
  • Brand: Best country quality from Alb-Gold Teigwaren GmbH
  • Best before date: 02/25/2023 and 02/26/2023

Both products are sold in many shops across Germany, including EDEKA. According to a press release from Alnatura supermarkets and Alb-Gold Teigwaren GmbH, traces of ergot alkaloids are said to have been detected in the spaghetti. Specifically, these are metabolic products of ergot mushrooms. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment provides information on possible health hazards on the website.

For example, even small amounts ingested orally (i.e. consumed) should be able to lead to symptoms “such as nausea, abdominal pain, muscle contractions, headaches, cardiovascular problems (e.g. high blood pressure) and disorders of the central nervous system”. In addition, ergot alkaloids are said to be able to trigger contractions of the uterus, cramps, which in turn can lead to miscarriages and bleeding. A higher dose also warns of a vasoconstricting effect, which can manifest itself, for example, through hallucinations, cramps and paralysis. In the worst case, the toxins can lead to death.

The spaghetti should therefore no longer be processed and eaten. Alnatura and Alb-Gold Teigwaren GmbH ask those who already have the affected pack to return it to the store. Customers should get the product replaced there. However, other articles or best-before dates should expressly not be affected.

Sources used: Federal Institute for Risk Assessment, Alnatura, Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety, produktruecklö,


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