Recognize insect bites and treat them properly

Do you have an itchy sting on your body and cannot identify it? We'll show you six different insect bites – and what you can do about them.

1. Bee sting

When in doubt, you can hear the sting of a bee – but it happens quickly that you can no longer assign the culprit. At first there is reddening and slight swelling at the puncture site, later the pain turns into itching. In the case of a bee sting, the sting remains as a black point, which in the best case scenario can be removed directly. You should cool a bee sting and treat it with creams or home remedies.

Image: SuperManu / Wikimedia

2. Mosquito bite

Mosquitoes are particularly common in warm, humid areas – or in your own bedroom at night. The mosquito bite manifests itself as a reddish bump that causes severe itching. Cooling, decongestant ones help here Creams. Anyone who is allergic to insect bites and gets symptoms such as fever, breathing disorders and vomiting should always consult a doctor.

Image: Johan / Flickr

3. Ant bite

Anyone who has ever suffered a poisonous bite from the ant knows: Ant bites are extremely unpleasant and painful. They show up as a whitish bump that should heal quickly. If the pain persists and the affected area swells, the bite must go with it Cortisone cream be treated.

Image: Ed Uthmann / Flickr

4. Bed bugs

Bed bug bites can easily be mistaken for mosquito or flea bites. They are actually recognizable because they start to itch, especially in the morning. In addition, bed bugs like to build roads on the skin, so the bites are in a certain order. Some people have strong reactions, others just small puncture marks. They are treated with cooling cream.

Image: Richard Thomas / Flickr

5. Tick bite

Compared to other insect bites, the tick bite only becomes noticeable later. For example, when you see a dark spot and slight skin swelling in the shower. If it is a tick, you should immediately with one tweezers remove! Monitor the bite for the next ten days – if a red circle forms around the bite site, a doctor should be consulted.

Image: CNX OpenStax / Wikimedia

6. Flea bite

Anyone who has a pet with free access may know them – those little bites that usually occur frequently. When squeezed, they can become whitish and thicker. Particularly characteristic of flea bites: They are very itchy and can become infected if they are scratched open. Antihistamines usually help relieve itching. As a preventive measure, you should clean your bedding and give it to the pet Flea collar to buy.

Image: Ghosty / Flickr

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