Record baseball could net fans $2 million

New York Yankees Aaron Judge’s 62nd home run of the season broke a 61-year-old American League record.

Imago/Matt Pearce

(dpa) A captured baseball could instantly make a fan rich if he accepted the $2 million offer. This is how much the owner of an auction house wants to pay for the ball Cory Youmans caught after a home run by New York Yankees pro Aaron Judge on Tuesday night. The AP news agency reported on Wednesday, citing a conversation with JP Cohen, President of Memory Lane in Tustin, California.

Judge’s 62nd home run of the season broke a 61-year-old record in the American League, one of Major League Baseball’s two divisions. Because the even better values ​​in the National League were all achieved by players with a doping background, the value was considered the clean record in American baseball.

When asked immediately after the catch what his plans were for the ball, Youmans, a businessman from Texas, replied: “Good question. I haven’t thought about it yet.” The record price for a baseball hitting a home run is $3 million. The sum was paid for the ball with which Mark McGwire set the record of 70 home runs in a main round in 1998.

In a home run, a player hits the ball with the bat so far that it flies out of bounds and cannot be caught by the opponent. Fans who catch these balls get to keep them. Many spectators in the stadiums therefore wear baseball gloves.

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