record fundraising for the Contentsquare start-up

This is unheard of for a French start-up. Contentsquare, a company specializing in the analysis of the online user’s journey, announced, Wednesday, May 26, that it had completed a fundraising of 500 million dollars (408 million euros). In 2019, she had already raised $ 190 million.

With this new round of funding, the company, founded in Paris in 2012, is now valued at $ 2.8 billion. The most powerful funds in the world, such as Vision Fund 2, of the Japanese group Softbank, participated in the operation. By the way, Michel Combes, the former boss of SFR, who now manages Softbank’s foreign investments, joins the board of directors of the start-up.

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Contentsquare’s playground? Analysis of the behavior of Internet users and mobile users on merchant sites to improve the user experience, and ultimately the rate of transformation of their purchases. Contentsquare does not just observe user journeys, it observes the movement of the mouse on web pages, page load times, the images that appeal the most … and can suggest changes to its customers at any time. to facilitate passage to the “Pay” button.

Predictive solutions

“The purchasing decision process is influenced by many criteria, explains Jonathan Cherki, Founding Boss of Contentsquare. We are trying to bring together all of this information in a single platform, easy to use for our customers, and which improves their productivity. “ To date, Contentsquare claims 750 customers, mostly very large groups.

With the confinement periods imposed by the Covid-19 epidemic, companies have realized the importance of having a successful e-commerce site. In France, according to the Federation of e-commerce and distance selling (Fevad), online commerce accounted for 13.4% of retail sales in 2020, against less than 10% the previous year. In the United States, the ratio fell from 16% to 35% over the same period and in China e-commerce exceeded physical sales.

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Hence the idea of ​​this new fundraising to invest massively in a market estimated at $ 21 billion in 2025. The company notably intends to triple the size of its research and development teams (200 people today on 800 that the company has) to improve its predictive solutions, and continue its internationalization, by strengthening itself in the United States (50% of turnover), in Europe (45%) and by expanding in Asia.

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