Recruitment of teachers: Emmanuel Macron wants training from the first year after the baccalaureate

Alexandra Jaegy // Photo credit: Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP

Faced with recruitment difficulties, Emmanuel Macron wishes to rethink the stages of access to the teaching profession. The Head of State would like to offer training from the first post-baccalaureate year. An idea that does not appeal to all unions, which call not to hide the issue of wages.

How to recruit more teachers? This is the thorny question the government must answer to keep its promises. Because the executive is committed to having “a teacher in front of each class” at the start of the school year. However, the candidates are still missing. So, during his trip to Orange to praise his reform of the vocational high school, the Head of State also announced the creation of post-baccalaureate training for future teachers. A professional training which “will allow us to better plan our needs”, he said.

Currently, recruitment competitions take place in the second year of the Master’s, i.e. five years after the baccalaureate. The objective would therefore be to attract more young people to teaching and to shorten the training period. A statement that does not pass with Elisabeth Allain Moreno, general secretary of the teachers’ union, Unsa.

Too many reforms and not attractive enough salaries

“Emmanuel Macron is aiming for a better attractiveness of the professions. So on the observation, we can only find ourselves. On the other hand, one of the causes of the lack of attractiveness of the profession is precisely the fact of having chained the reforms training. So it’s still quite off-putting for our young people who are turning away from the trades. And then, there is also a term of remuneration. Attractiveness will go through salaries which are attractive from the year of intern ” , is alarmed at the microphone of Europe 1 the trade unionist.

The Head of State did not specify whether first and second degree teachers were concerned, nor whether this would be the only possible way to practice this profession. This new formation should be unveiled next spring.

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