Red Bull Salzburg – More dusky than FC Bayern

Corona chaos at Salzburg opponent Brondby IF. In the fight for a place in the Champions League, the Danes break half of the starting eleven. “Krone” editor Christoph Nister has a déjà vu.

It’s hard to believe: Salzburg’s opponents in the fight for a place in the Champions League are slowly but surely running out of players!

Brondby IF, Danish champions, already have six players to play for the play-off game against the Bulls on Tuesday, five of whom are permanent staff. After the ex-Salzburger Josip Radosevic and the Norwegian Sigurd Rosted the top performers also fell Christian Cappis, Mathias Greve and Tobias Börkeeiet as well as substitute goalkeepers Thomas Mikkelsen pass a PCR test and fail for the first leg in the bulls arena. Further setbacks cannot be ruled out! “The many cases could not come at a worse time,” said sports director Carsten Jensen to Danish media representatives.

The whole thing sounds like a déjà vu, because something similar happened last year, when the bull opponent Maccabi Tel Aviv even had to pretend eleven (!) Players in the fight for a ticket in the top football class.

To put it bluntly, you could think that the cops have more fools than FC Bayern, which envious people say that they are so successful mainly because of luck. Of course this is nonsense and does not apply to the German or the red-white-red series champions.

The successes of the last few years are the product of hard work and not of luck. No doubt the eleven of Matthias Jaissle but become a great beneficiary of Brondby’s misery.