Red flags in the bedroom: These 3 no-gos have no place in bed

Red flags in the bedroom
These 3 no-gos have no place in bed

In the video we tell you three red flags and what you can do about them.

Open and honest communication is very important in a relationship. But what if these develop into real “red flags”? In the video we tell you three things that really have no place in bed.

Each of us has different preferences and interests when it comes to the topic of intimacy – regardless of whether within a partnership or in sexual encounters outside of classic relationship models. That’s why it’s usually very important in such situations to talk openly about these topics with the relevant partners. This can not only strengthen mutual understanding and strengthen the bond, but at the same time also promote our self-confidence.

You should pay attention to these red flags in a relationship

So-called “red flags” in bed can not only be unpleasant for ourselves, but can also influence our relationship with the other person. In the video we tell you which toxic actions have no place in bed.

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