Red Flags: This is what his apartment reveals about his character

Red flags
This is what his apartment reveals about his character

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The first impression counts. Not just from a person themselves, but also from their apartment – because this can actually reveal more about the other person than we think.

In one In a Reddit conversation, women shared what is particularly important to them in men’s apartments. Their consistent motto: A little mess is okay, but it should be clean. In addition, three areas in particular have emerged that deserve attention.

3 things women can pay attention to in his apartment

Bathroom equipment

The Reddit users agree: The most important thing they find is the bathroom in his apartment. Their wishes don’t seem that demanding – they just want it to be generally clean, have hand soap there and have several towels so they don’t have to use the ones they’ve used straight away after showering. Plus points give the presence of a trash can and menstrual products. Not that difficult, right? If so, it could be a sign that he likes to think about himself a lot and sometimes forgets those around him.

Spices in the kitchen

The following assumption also emerges from the exchange: If there is a selection of spices in the kitchen, the host can usually cook and not only eat out or fast food. In this case, the woman is not expected to do all the cooking, writes one user – “a fair division”. On your first visit, pay attention to whether there is only salt and pepper or a larger selection of spices in the kitchen. The former could be due to no enthusiasm for cooking on his part.

Specials: books, plants and a pet

Last but not least, many women value books that can represent curiosity and a desire for knowledge – but of course they don’t have to, because which media they like to consume is a matter of taste. If there are live plants in the home, users assume that he has a particularly nurturing nature. The next level up would be a pet, which suggests a strong sense of responsibility.

Conclusion: Please do not generalize

Even if the first impression is important, you shouldn’t judge too quickly, especially when it comes to the apartment. If someone is going through a very stressful period, their home probably looks more chaotic than usual. However, one Reddit user shares a clear warning sign: She gave a man hand soap and a year later it was still sitting there untouched. So maybe not everything has to be perfect the first time, but at least there has to be a willingness to change something.

Note: The Reddit conversation was explicitly about what is important to women in men’s apartments. For this reason, only the constellation of a heterogeneous relationship is drawn here – but the points can of course also be transferred to other relationship patterns.


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