Reddit: why your chat history from before 2023 was deleted

Camille Coirault

July 17, 2023 at 2 p.m.


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© oatawa / Shutterstock

The social network was already recently at the heart of a controversy that clearly damaged its image. Despite this, the platform took the decision to delete the private chat history of its users. Many members of the different communities of Reddit are worried about it.

Reddit is going through an unenviable time, with a recent API change that sparked controversy and caused a huge moderator strike, the shutdown of thousands of subreddits… The app was already making headlines, but meanwhile a change middle finger went behind everyone’s back. Reddit has deleted all user messages and chat histories dated before January 2023.

A sudden disappearance

Even though the deletion had been announced in the changelog published on June 22, it clearly went unnoticed among the many other announcements on the platform. The majority of users therefore discovered this late and clearly felt cheated. The history deletion date was supposed to be June 30, yet some members saw their history disappear long before.

In response, Reddit justified the move by migrating chat histories to a new chat infrastructure to make the feature smoother. The explanation, however, was very vague and was just one line. And this transition decided by the platform would only take into account messages sent from 1er January 2023, condemning the oldest to oblivion.

Reddit © © Unsplash / Brett Jordan

© Unsplash / Brett Jordan

The desperation of members looking for their misplaced messages

This great disappearance has left many users desperate and with no real means of action. It must be said that the disappearance of several years of virtual conversations, depending on the sensitivity of each, can be an unpleasant experience. The support subreddit has been inundated with requests, but solutions are very limited at the moment.

Reddit admin teams explained the migration process to users. Some would have apparently suggested that an export of data prior to 2023 would be possible. Others claimed that this export would in any case not be able to restore the complete histories to the members.

Apart from that, Reddit remains silent in the face of numerous protests. No message or press release reassuring its most loyal members. For lack of transparency, the platform is clearly in the process of sullying its reputation, and it is for the moment the members who pay the broken pots… as well as the administrators who must manage this gigantic frustration. This kind of event is very bad publicity for a company that wants to go public since September 2021.

See the offer


  • A very large community (provided you understand English)
  • Tons of topics covered

As long as you understand English, Reddit is a fantastic source of information that you can use for entertainment, news monitoring, or even the search for practical information (among others) . It is one of the most active communities on the internet, offering tons of content of all kinds, whatever your own area of ​​interest. The Android application is clear, convenient to use and allows seamless navigation among the many subreddits.

As long as you understand English, Reddit is a fantastic source of information that you can use for entertainment, news monitoring, or even the search for practical information (among others) . It is one of the most active communities on the internet, offering tons of content of all kinds, whatever your own area of ​​interest. The Android application is clear, convenient to use and allows seamless navigation among the many subreddits.

Sources: The Verge, Mashable

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