Referring to China and Russia, the United States unveils its strategy to strengthen its cyber defense

Alexander Boero

March 02, 2023 at 3:35 p.m.


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The United States has just unveiled its new national cybersecurity strategy, calling for “ reinvent cyberspace to protect its citizens and its economy from designated enemies, including the Chinese, Russian and even North Korean powers.

On Thursday, the White House published its new cybersecurity strategy which aims, over the next ten years, to make cyberspace a tool for economic security, prosperity, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Calling for better collaboration between the government and the private sector, the Biden administration is taking the lead, after suffering several major cybersecurity incidents, and pointing the finger at threats in this area.

China, seen as the biggest threat “, Russia as ” a persistent threat »

In a 35-page document, the United States explains that ” the governments of China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and other autocratic states with revisionist intentions are aggressively using advanced cyber capabilities to pursue goals that run counter to US interests and widely accepted international standards “, which constitutes for the White House a threat to the national security and the economic health of the United States.

In its briefing, the U.S. government specifically refers to China as ” the broadest, most active and persistent threat to government networks and the private sector. According to Washington, the Middle Kingdom is the only one with the intention of reshaping the international order and the only one with such diplomatic, military, economic and technological capabilities.

Over the past decade, it has expanded its cyber operations beyond intellectual property theft to become our most advanced strategic competitor, capable of threatening US interests and dominating emerging technologies critical to global development. After successfully harnessing the internet as the backbone of its surveillance state and influencing capabilities, China is exporting its vision of digital authoritarianism, striving to shape the global internet in its image, and jeopardizing the human rights beyond its borders “.

The observation towards Beijing and without appeal, but it is also the same against Moscow. ” Russia remains a persistent cyber threat as it hones its cyber espionage, attack, influence, and disinformation capabilities to coerce sovereign nations, harbor transnational criminal actors, weaken U.S. alliances and partnerships, and subvert the international system. rules-based. Like its 2017 NotPetya attack, Russia’s cyberattacks in support of its brutal and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine in 2022 have resulted in irresponsible fallout on critical civilian infrastructure in other European countries. “, we read in the document.

The White House calls for a global coalition

Washington thus intends to encourage long-term investment in the sector, in particular to better protect individuals, small businesses and local governments. In an ideal world, this strategy is based on the vision of cybersecurity “ defensible », that is to say simpler, less expensive and more effective; ” resilient to reduce the impact of cyberattacks; And ” aligned with values ” defended.

More generally, the strategy relies on the formation of coalitions with foreign partners (nations or companies) who share the same vision and the same ideas to counter threats, with a view to blocking them with the help of a preparation and a common response, in particular to put pressure on Russia and other actors considered by the United States to be malicious.

The Biden administration also intends to strengthen the ability of its partners to defend against cyberattacks and other threats, whether in times of crisis or in normal times, as well as work with its allies and partners to build chains secure planetary supply chains, which will be at the service of digital and operational products and services.

Source : The White House

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