Regionality – why a Christmas tree from Vorarlberg is better

Only a quarter of the Christmas trees sold come from Vorarlberg, the rest mainly from Hungary and Denmark. There is a lot to be said for buying in the Ländle.

Who doesn’t get annoyed when the beautifully decorated Christmas tree starts needling on Boxing Day? This is usually due to the fact that the good piece comes from Hungary or Denmark and was beaten there in October or November. By the time it is in the living room, it has already had a few weeks under its belt. That could easily be avoided. “Ländle Christmas trees are only taken from the plantation shortly before they are sold and are accordingly fresh,” assures Thomas Ölz from the Vorarlberg Chamber of Agriculture. Further advantages are the short transport routes and sustainable cultivation. As much as is sold is planted again. Because the areas under cultivation are relatively small, hardly any fertilizer is needed, and many producers do not spray at all, reports Ölz. Nevertheless, only a quarter of the 80,000 Christmas trees sold in the country come from domestic cultivation. Ölz has an explanation for this: “There are dealers who advertise with regionality, but whose trees do not come from Vorarlberg.” He therefore recommends looking for the Ländle star when buying or specifically asking for a local tree.Christmas tree until Christmas store in a cool place. Always open the transport net from bottom to top. In the case of domestic Christmas trees, the netting can only be removed after they have been set up. Cut off the end of the trunk again just before the tree is placed in the Christmas tree stand. One centimeter is enough to open the water channels.Put the Christmas tree in the water so that it stays fresh longer. At two meters tall, the tree “drinks” one to two liters a day. Do not place the tree right next to a radiator. Domestic Christmas trees are only cut shortly before they are sold, so the transport routes are short. The trees therefore stay fresh longer and usually keep their needles long after Christmas. Many local producers offer pleasant services: delivery, moon phase pruning, living Christmas trees in pots, pre-selection and/or self-pruning in the culture, tree storage until Christmas Eve. The Nordmann fir is the most popular in the state, accounting for 80 percent of sales. Only around 15 percent of the Christmas tree traditional in Vorarlberg, the spruce, is bought. In terms of price, the Ländle Christmas tree is likely to be only slightly more expensive this year than last year. Some providers even want to stay at the previous year’s price to show solidarity.
source site-12