“Reich Citizen” trial for Prince Reuss begins in Stuttgart – News


The first of three trials against the “Reichsbürger” group begins in Stuttgart. Nine people from the “military wing” are on trial.

The first trial against the so-called “Reichsbürger scene” begins in Stuttgart. The focus is on the group around Henry XIII. Prince Reuss. Together with other conspirators, he had planned an armed coup against the German government. According to the prosecution, they knowingly risked deaths.


The alleged ringleaders, including Reuss (pictured), will be charged in Frankfurt on May 21st. The remaining alleged members will be on trial in Munich from June 18th.

Reuters/DPA/BORIS ROESSLER (07.12.2022)

The court trials are likely to be among the largest terror trials that have ever taken place in Germany. That is why the responsible Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office has divided the proceedings against the group into three individual trials. The trial that started today is against the group’s “military arm”. There are nine defendants. A total of 26 suspected conspirators in the Reich Citizen Network around Prince Reuss have been charged.

The nine alleged “Reich citizens” on trial today are accused of membership in a terrorist organization and the so-called “preparation of a treasonous enterprise”. One of the defendants is also on trial for attempted murder. This person shot at police officers with an automatic rifle when police arrived for questioning last year.

Possible action by the defense

The conspirators hoped for support from the so-called “Alliance,” a mix of terrestrial and extraterrestrial forces. This is a power in the sense of a conspiracy that wants to establish a new statehood worldwide. The group around Prinz Reuss wanted to contact this “alliance”.

However, the military wing would only have become active if the “Alliance” had given the signal for a coup. This is what the investigative journalist from German broadcaster WDR, Katja Riedel, explains. The defendant’s defense will probably argue that there was never a coup because this “alliance” does not exist at all.

The group has been noticed by various constitutional protection authorities in Germany since spring 2022. Then there was one of the largest raids ever in Germany. 3,000 police officers were involved. Dozens of members were arrested in late 2022.

Investigators searched homes and business premises nationwide. The terrorist organization includes, among others, the ominous Prince Reuss, a former AfD federal deputy, doctors, lawyers, soldiers and police officers. Reuss should have acted as the head of a new form of government.

Delayed start of trial

Because of the large crowds in front of the courthouse, the proceedings started more than an hour later than planned. Negotiations are expected to continue into next year.

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