Relationship: 12 couples share what they should never have said to their partner

Relationship Secrets
12 couples share what they should never have said to their partner

Whisper: A woman is lying in bed with her partner sitting next to her with her back to her

© sirtravelalot / Shutterstock

Tell your partner everything about yourself? In theory, definitely spot on! But in practice …

In a relationship you have to: trust your partner one hundred percent and therefore (be able to) share everything with him / her. So much for the theory. But in practice it seems to be a little more complicated every now and then – like these examples from the anonymous online confessional platform “Whisper“suggest.

Words in dispute: couple sitting on couch

12 couples tell: I should never have said that to my / my partner: in

1. He should (!) Be able to cope with that …

“I regret telling my boyfriend, who I’ve been with for almost three years, about my sexual past. It is destroying our relationship.”

2. Talk about it ?!

“Sometimes I regret telling my boyfriend that I have bipolar disorder. He’s been acting strange to me ever since, and it’s killing me.”

3. A promise is a promise.

“I want to break up with my girlfriend and I regret promising her to help raise her child.”

4. Concealment would not be an option either!

“I sometimes regret telling my boyfriend that I’m pregnant. I feel like it makes him feel obliged to stay with me.”

5. You don’t have to meet every (absurd) expectation.

“I regret confiding in my boyfriend that I’m bi. Now he expects us to have a threesome. I don’t like sharing my husband.”

6. How about a wedding ?!

“I regret telling my boyfriend that I wanted to wait until we were married to have sex. I’m ready now, but it’s out of the question for him.”

7. Stupid feeling …

“I regret telling my boyfriend that I was poor. Now he always insists on paying everything for me.”

8. Make amends ?!

“I regret saying ‘I hate you’ to my friend out of anger. Now he doesn’t believe me anymore when I tell him I love him.”

9. How things can change …

“I regret telling my boyfriend that I don’t want to get married or have children, because now that’s exactly what I want: I want a family with him.”

10. Oh dear!

“I didn’t really want to tell my friend that I was doing therapy for depression, but I did. Now he comments on everything I feel with ‘Tell your therapist’. If only I hadn’t told him!”

11. Sponge over it and look ahead!

“I finally found the courage to break up with my boyfriend! He just wanted my body and sex. I regret dating him and telling him I love him.”

12. Maybe you don’t have to know everything …

“I told my girlfriend that I would like to kiss a certain person – but of course I would never have really done that. I thought I was doing the right thing, if I’m honest … now I regret it.”


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