Relationship: 3 reasons why you keep attracting emotionally unavailable men

3 reasons why you keep attracting emotionally unavailable men

In the video we tell you three reasons why you attract emotionally unavailable men.

Being in a relationship with a man who is emotionally unavailable can be frustrating and nerve-wracking. In the video we show you three tips that can help you in this difficult situation.

No matter what you try, your partner just doesn’t want to understand you? Do you keep failing because of communication problems and his needs are the focus? Few things are as unpleasant in a relationship as a man who is simply unavailable emotionally. There are several reasons why this pattern keeps cropping up in your love life. But there’s no need to worry: we have recommendations for you on how to deal with it.

3 tips for dealing with emotionally unavailable partners

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for us to be with a partner who is emotionally unavailable. That’s precisely why it’s important to know why you keep getting into such situations. In the video we explain three reasons why you keep attracting emotionally unavailable men and what you can do about it.


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