Relationship: 7 power skills that will benefit your partnership

Emotional fitness
7 power skills that will benefit your relationship

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Experts say that happy partnerships are obviously not a sure-fire success. You can read here which skills we can develop to strengthen our relationships.

Again and again it is said that relationships require work. Even many experts seem to share this view, for example the book author and psychotherapist Barton Goldsmith credits Psychology Today In a blog post: “Successful partnerships don’t happen in a vacuum. They take work, and couples who manage to make their relationships work are the ones who have the most fun and love the most.”

Assuming there is actually something to it, how exactly could it be? job then look best in terms of a partnership? The aforementioned relationship expert considers the following exercises and skills to be particularly important and central. By looking at them work, so to a certain extent we are doing something for ourselves, our: n partners: in and our partnership at the same time. Well, if that’s not a motivation.

7 power skills your relationship can benefit from

1. You give what you want.

People are basically adaptable and most of them reflect (in their own way) the behavior of their fellow human beings – especially in close relationships and when we spend a lot of time together. Therefore, the strategy of: giving the loved one what we want, in many cases leads to the fact that we get it from her: him (or her).

2. You know what makes you happy.

Making us happy is not the job of one of your partners. But our own. When we know what we need to be happy, our partnership benefits because we are no longer preoccupied with finding out. If we don’t know, that’s not necessarily a big problem either – unless we expect from our loved one that he: she knows, and he: she gives us the space to fathom it for ourselves.

3. You and your partner: in are besties.

Butterflies and being in love are comparatively short – but friendships usually last for years or even a lifetime. If our treasure is also our best friend, our relationship definitely has a very, very strong basis.

4. You are good at handling your anger.

Anger can tear relationships apart, like a tsunami inundating seaside villages – if we don’t know what to do with it. Unprocessed anger can cause us to project, interpret, judge and blame in an (unfair) way that we would never do with a clear eye. Unfiltered, immediately acted out anger, on the other hand, often makes us lash out in an uncontrolled manner, which can inadvertently hurt others. The ability to deal with anger in a healthy way, that is, to recognize it, to understand it, and to respond to it appropriately and consciously, is therefore like disaster protection for relationships.

5. You value your: n partner: in every day.

Much like we can train to think optimistically by picking something we’re grateful for every day, we can get used to seeing the positive sides of our sweetheart – and not eventually overlooking them because we’re so used to them are that we take them for granted. Even thinking about something once a day that we particularly value about our favorite person can have a big long-term effect.

6. You pay attention to how you are doing.

Being in harmony with ourselves and in continuous exchange is fundamentally an advantage for a partnership. For example, if we are stressed from work and can categorize it precisely because we are generally mindful of ourselves, the likelihood that we will take the stress out on our treasure is minimal.

7. You communicate your needs clearly and precisely.

Setting a good example and setting an example for others, as they are allowed to behave towards us, is a means – but of course it does not replace open, clear communication. The more clearly we can tell (and show) our darling what we feel, need or go through, the better and easier he can adjust to us. And in the best case we can rely on it – if it reflects our exemplary communication.

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