Relationship horoscope: 3 zodiac signs for which monogamy is nothing

partnership horoscope
3 zodiac signs monogamy is not for them

Relationship horoscope: Three zodiac signs have particular problems staying true to their partner.

As much as they love their partner – some zodiac signs find it difficult to remain faithful to their partner in every relationship. You can find out which ones are included in the video.

You are in love, in a committed relationship – and still not completely happy. Three zodiac signs in particular have problems sticking to the rules of a conventional relationship and find it difficult to curb their desire for freedom. That is why they often long for an open partnership. As long as you communicate this openly with your partner right from the start and he agrees, that’s not a problem either. Feelings shouldn’t be hurt. You can find out which zodiac signs are extremely reluctant to commit exclusively in the video.


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