Relationship test: How serious is the other person about you?

What does the “Bird Test” really say about your relationship?

It is sometimes not so easy to assess whether our partner is serious about us.

Whether in budding love, deep friendships or family circles – understanding the true intentions of the other person can be a challenge. This is exactly where the “Bird Test” comes in, a simple yet effective tool for testing the authenticity of relationships.

Especially in new relationships, it is sometimes not so easy to assess whether the other person is serious about us and eThere are moments when we wonder whether the interest shown to us is truly sincere. Here comes the “Bird test” comes into play. This unconventional tool is currently very popular on TikTok and reflects the principles of “bids for connection” as described by couples therapist John Gottman.

Psychology: The “Bird Test” for Clarity in Fresh Relationships

The “Bird Test” makes it possible to unobtrusively find out whether the connection to the other person is really profound. In the video we show you how you can test subtle signals about the dynamics of your relationships on your next walk or cozy coffee meeting.

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