release date, story, casting, everything you need to know about the mysterious series

The Acolyte is the Star Wars event of summer 2024. A series that goes off the beaten track since it takes place in a period still little explored by the saga. In this file, we take stock of what you need to know about it.


There are starting to be quite a few Star Wars series. The next one, however, seems to stand out. Her name ? The Acolyte.

This series has two particularities. First, it will focus on a very dark part of the universe, plunging us directly into the depths of the dark side. Second, it will take place to a period never before seen on screen: the High Republic.

The AcolyteThe Acolyte

In this file, we will take stock of everything there is to know about this very promising series. Are you ready, young padawans?

When will The Acolyte be released?

The Acolyte will hit the screens June 4, 2024. The first two episodes will be broadcast on this date.

The AcolyteThe Acolyte

On which platform will The Acolyte be broadcast?

Like all Star Wars series, The Acolyte will stream on Disney+. The subscription is 8.99 euros per month or 89.90 euros per year.

The AcolyteThe Acolyte

The Acolyte will be made up of how many episodes?

The Acolyte will have eight episodes. A format that had already been adopted for three seasons of The Mandalorian.

Is a season 2 of The Acolyte already planned?

Lucasfilm has only ordered one season for The Acolyte. It is not yet known whether this will be a miniseries or whether it could be renewed.

The AcolyteThe Acolyte

Who will be in the cast of The Acolyte?

The Acolyte has an interesting cast. The title role is played by Amandla Stenberg, a young actress who has already been seen in The Hunger Games and The Hate U Give. She is accompanied by Lee Jung-Jae, a South Korean actor who had colossal success playing the leading role in the series Squid Game.


We will find other more or less known actors on the bill, as Rebecca Henderson who plays Vernestra Rwoh (a character appearing in several novels) or even Carrie-Anne Moss (Matrix) in a Jedi role. Fun fact: Joonas Suotamo, who played Chewbacca in the postlogy and in Solo, will put on the costume again to play another wookie.

The AcolyteThe Acolyte

Who will be at the helm of The Acolyte?

The Acolyte is a series written, edited and directed by Leslye Headland, who is best known for his work on the series Russian Doll. She describes her new project as a cross between Kill Bill and Frozen. Obviously, Lucasfilm and Disney are producing.

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What is The Acolyte about?

The Acolyte tells the story of Sol, a Jedi tasked with investigating strange deaths. These appear to be perpetrated by a Force user, Mae. This adventure will take him to the four corners of the galaxy.

When does The Acolyte take place in the timeline?

The particularity of The Acolyte is that it takes place during the era of the High Republic, or 100 years before The Phantom Menace (Episode I). During this period, the Republic was at the height of its power, as was the Jedi Order, the armed wing of democracy. Of course, there are some upheavals, such as the war against the Nihils (a faction of pirates), but it is still a golden age. The Sith, for their part, are nothing more than a distant memory, eradicated centuries ago… at least in appearance.


This period is adapted here for the first time on screen, but is not new. Indeed, it is already explored by the label La Haute République. Launched in 2021, this editorial project explores a whole new part of the Star Wars universe with novels or comics. The goal is to show what the world looked like a few hundred years before Episode I, a period until then very little explored.


What are the Star Wars projects after The Acolyte?

Other Star Wars series will be released after The Acolyte. We know that Ahsoka and Andor will benefit from a second season and that a Skeleton Crew series with Jude Law will arrive in 2024. Disney also wants to return to the big screen with several film projects:

The first is an Episode X which does not say its name. 15 years after The Rise of Skywalker, we will find Rey (Daisy Ridley) as she tries to rebuild the Jedi order. The film will be directed by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy (Ms Marvel) and will have the difficult task of restoring order to the mess that was Episode IX. Perhaps the start of a new arc for the saga?


Another project will be centered around the first Jedi, or years before the period we know. It will be directed by James Mangold, to whom we owe Copland, Logan and Indiana Jones 5.

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A The Mandalorian & Grogu film will also arrive in theaters in the coming years. This might even be the first to come out in the list we’re rolling out. Even more, a Heir of the Empire film, which will conclude Thrawn’s story, is still in development, as is Taika Waititi’s mystery project. Finally, the film Rogue Squadron carried by Patty Jenkins is back on track after having been abandoned for a while. In short, there will be plenty to do!


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