relieve anxiety with natural methods

Professional pressure, change in lifestyle, traumatic episode…, we can all be subjected to stress, occasionally or more regularly. If the causes are multiple, the symptoms are precise and there is a panel of natural solutions. Overview to fight against the evil of the time.

Oral speaking, goals to keep, family problems, marital problems …, there are so many factors in our daily life that can subject our body to stress and anxiety, over a very short period, moments in life or recurrently because we are naturally anxious. What is more, the current period which, pandemic obliges, blocks our horizon and plunges us all in a relative uncertainty, subjects us to an intense stress against which we would like to fight to silence the painful symptoms that this inflicts on us. If the problem is recurring and causes depression or worrying physical pain, it is obviously more than recommended to see a doctor. But if you just want to do the right things and nab some tips to combat these uncomfortable moments, follow the anti-stress guide.

Stress: the causes

Generally speaking, stress is generated by what our brain considers a "danger" situation. According to the sensitivities of each one, these can vary but they often relate to our confrontation with the outside world, to professional pressure, to financial difficulties, to a change (of job, a divorce, a move), to a personal traumatic episode. (illness, bereavement…) or collective (attacks, pandemic…). Associated with an increasingly oppressive and injunctive lifestyle carried by social networks, confinement, reduction of social interactions and opportunities to ventilate body and mind, these form an explosive cocktail that undermine our cerebral and physical peace of mind.

Stress: the symptoms

When our body is under intense stress, it responds by adapting to it. In the face of aggression, it then releases hormones like the adrenaline or cortisol. Then, to fight, it secretes glucocorticoids that help increase the level of glycemia in the blood. All these upheavals can lead to physical ailments such as palpitations, increased heart rate, migraines, sleep disturbances (insomnia or nightmares are frequently mentioned in episodes of stress), diarrhea, shoulder pain, or sweating. excessive. The symptoms can also be psychic and lead to emotional manifestations such as excessive irritability, aggressiveness, memory problems and sometimes generate dangerous behaviors such as excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption or eating disorders. This is why anti-stress solutions are essential.

Anti-stress: essential oils

Soft, natural and very practical, essential oils are a great ally in the fight against stress. True lavender, Petitgrain bigarade, sweet orange, bergamot, Roman chamomile…, many are those whose soothing virtues have been recognized and can help us to ward off the uncomfortable symptoms linked to our anxiety. As a massage on the skin, in a bath, in a diffuser, on a tissue that can be sniffed discreetly before an important meeting or a date with our ex, they can be used in dozens of ways. Special mention to roll-ons, very practical, that you slip in your handbag, or with the comforting sprays that you spray under the tongue while going to the toilet, neither seen nor known. Brands compete in ingenuity, ask your pharmacist for advice.

Anti-stress: capsules and plants

  • Magnesium : magnesium is the natural best friend for those who are very stressed. Responsible for transmitting nerve impulses, regulating heart rate and intestinal transit, we do not consume enough this trace element essential to our body. In times of stress, we recommend taking 100 mg per day as a course of 1 to 3 months.
  • Food supplements : When fatigue intensifies, and our body feels worn out by its struggles against stress, we can consider a course of vitamins, and in particular B6, which helps bind magnesium to cells.
  • Plants : St. John's Wort, hops, valerian, lemon balm, passionflower, rhodiola, hawthorn… ,, thanks to their active ingredients, they are great anti-stress allies. In capsules, drops or herbal teas, however, they can interact with other substances. It is therefore recommended to seek professional advice.

Anti-stress: change your lifestyle

If the causes that cause our stress cannot be changed, we can, on the other hand, change elements of our daily life by adapting the advice of athletes and other pressure management professionals to welcome it much more serenely.

  • Food : when we are tired, irritable, anxious, we tend to throw ourselves on fat, sugar, alcohol, only worsening our condition in the short and medium term. However, many foods, on the contrary, help fight stress. Among them, dark chocolate (one square per day), stuffed with magnesium, avocado, almonds, fatty fish or whole grains that reduce the level of cortisol and stimulate the production of endorphins, the hormone of good -be. Citrus fruits and their vitamin C are also welcome. Like the calcium in the good old glass of milk which, if taken before bed, reduces anxiety.
  • The sport : exerting yourself physically, getting fresh air, changing your point of view, tiring your body and letting the release of endorphins take place is essential in general, but even more so in times of stress (and if you always have time). Gentle sports like Pilates or yoga, practiced for just half an hour a day with tutorials, relax considerably.
  • Breathing : rest for 5 minutes, close your eyes and breathe calmly, by disconnecting from the stressful task that occupied us is often the key to calm your body, dispel dark thoughts and get off on the right foot.
  • Meditation : Like breathing, it helps reconnect with the present moment. There are a multitude of guided meditations available online or in the form of apps like Small Bamboo, which can calm body and mind and play down situations.
  • Anti-stress gadgets : there are a multitude of them available online or in stores such as Nature and Discoveries. Placed on your teleworker desk, a stress ball can easily release anxiety, especially as some combine the virtues of essential oils by releasing lavender extracts.

A good hot bath, a massage, a paper book, putting our cell phone under lock and key … all the gentle activities that change our point of view, get us out of infobesity and slow down for a time the frantic pace of our Over-connected lives greatly help decrease stress. Breathe, evacuate!

Video: 5 creative anti-stress activities

Video by Clemence Chevallet