Renata Lusin: Emotional return to “Let’s Dance”

Renata Lusin
Emotional return to “Let’s Dance”

The “Let’s Dance” stars Renata and Valentin Lusin.

© imago images/Panama Pictures

Renata Lusin has returned to the “Let’s Dance” stage after a miscarriage. An emotional evening, as she says.

The current “Let’s Dance” episode last Friday evening was very emotional for Renata Lusin (35). She returned to the TV floor after suffering a miscarriage a few weeks ago. On Instagram she tells how she experienced the evening.

“It was just so emotional for me,” Lusin explains in an Instagram story published on April 15. The short clip was apparently made right after her appearance at the beginning of the show on Friday. “I just cried through it, it was so, so, so nice to dance. Oh my god I’m so grateful.”

In the Conversation with RTLshe made her anticipation for her “Let’s Dance” comeback clear shortly before the show: “During the rehearsals I had goosebumps all over my body. I was so radiant, I don’t know how it will be tonight. I will likely to explode.”

In another Instagram post Lusin writes about her comeback then also: “I literally exploded with happiness and joy. It was so much fun. […] It was so emotional for me. I am sometimes amazed at myself. But I can’t describe the feeling to you.” Many of her fans are very impressed by Lusin’s performance in the comments and already wish that Renata will dance regularly again in the next season.

Renata Lusin allowed herself “only one day of sadness and tears”

Shortly before, the 35-year-old, whose husband Valentin Lusin (36) is dancing with Anna Ermakova (23) in the current season, explained to the “Bild” newspaperthat she had suffered three miscarriages within a year. The couple announced the pregnancy earlier than they would have liked. Because Renata Lusin didn’t want to lie about why she wasn’t taking part in the current “Let’s Dance” season. “Normally at such an early stage – it was the sixth or seventh week – I would not have told anyone about it,” explained Lusin. Her doctor banned her from dancing.

“After each of these miscarriages, I only allowed myself one day of mourning and tears, after that it had to go on,” said Lusin. “Probably my body protects me from feelings that are too dark.” Meanwhile, she explained to the broadcaster: “I cried for a day or two and that was it.” Lusin is apparently optimistic about the future: “I’ll get pregnant quickly, […] That’s why I’m positive about it and I know that it will definitely work out.”

RTL (also on RTL+) shows the eighth live show of the current 16th season of “Let’s Dance” on April 21 from 8:15 p.m.


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