Renaud: this great decision of the singer out of love for Cerise, his new companion

Renaud is a new man. For his new companion Cerise, the singer would have made a big decision.

Several months ago, Dave confided on the set of BFMTV, that Renaud had found love again in the arms of a certain Cerise. Information that had been revealed by the media Paris Match. “It’s been a long summer: Renaud hasn’t stopped courting, like an English gentleman, lost in a post-Covid world that he doesn’t like. And then things evolved, until the bond became real between two beings who were not expecting it.revealed our colleagues. THE singer had then wished to show his darling that he was still in great shape: “He wants to impress her too. That’s what made him want to show that he knows how to do it and that he can do it”as explained by the companion of Patrick Loiseau.

Aged 70, Renaud seems to be in heaven. And to mark this new life, the singer would have taken a big decision. As revealed by our colleagues from Here, the artist would be “a new man”. “Since he met Cerise, he has really put the pedal to the metal on alcohol, even if he always takes his little pastis in the evening in the bar downstairs when he is in Paris”revealed a relative. The singer had already indicated that he had reduced his alcohol consumption. For RTL, he had assured that he no longer drank a single drop of alcohol. “Bistros are my life. A place of conviviality, meeting, sharing where we remake the world. For a year and a half, I no longer drink a drop of alcohol. I am particularly satisfied”.

Renaud’s secrets about his addictions

Instead of alcoholic beverages, he now prefers soda. Renaud confided in his alcoholism in 2010 in Serge magazine: “I drink because I’m not good in my skin, in my rind. I have psychoses, anxieties, a bad life, a nostalgia for my childhood. And it gets worse with all these friends who die around me “. Nevertheless, Renaud does not manage to stem his other addiction: “I still smoke like a firefighter. I still went from four packs of cigarettes a day to one pack.”


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The singer is in a relationship with a certain Cherry
The singer then wanted to show his darling that he was still in great shape: “He wants to impress her too. That’s what made him want to show that he knows how to do it and that he can do it”, as explained by the companion of Patrick Loiseau.


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He is fulfilled with his new companion
Aged 70, Renaud seems to be in heaven. And to mark this new life, the singer would have taken a big decision. As our colleagues from Here reveal, the artist would be “a new man”.

© Agency

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Renaud is a new man
“Since he met Cerise, he has really put the pedal to the metal on alcohol, even if he always takes his little pastis in the evening in the bar downstairs from his house when he is in Paris”, revealed a close.

© Agency

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Renaud has changed for his new companion
The singer had already indicated that he had reduced his alcohol consumption.


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He quit drinking alcohol
For RTL, he had assured that he no longer drank a single drop of alcohol.


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He wants a new life
“Bistros are my life. A place of conviviality, meeting, sharing where we remake the world. For a year and a half, I no longer drink a drop of alcohol. I am particularly satisfied”.


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Renaud wants to change for his new companion
Instead of alcoholic beverages, he now prefers soda.


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Renaud wants to show him that he can change
Renaud had confided in his alcoholism in 2010 in the magazine Serge: “I drink because I’m not good in my skin, in my rind. I have psychoses, anxieties, a bad life, a nostalgia for my childhood.”

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