Replacing the heating: From 2024 there is a risk of high additional costs

Due to stricter rules on the proportion of renewable energies, replacing the heating system in Germany can become even more expensive. Consumer centers and other associations warn against this. They call for a rethink of the federal government’s climate protection plans.

Heating exchange even more expensive from 2024

A new and efficient heating system can reduce energy consumption, which is why the topic is becoming more and more interesting, especially now, in times of massive price increases. But of all people Climate protection plans of the federal government could result in better heaters not being installed in the first place. The Federal Association of Consumers (VZBV) is therefore calling for readjustments, because in the end it is the consumers who install and pay for the new heating systems. The plans are “ambitious and expensive”.

According to a concept paper by the federal government, from 2024 onwards only new heaters should be installed in which at least 65 percent renewable energy come into use. It would therefore be possible to connect to a heating network, an electric heat pump, a biomass heating system (wood pellets), a green gas heating system, direct electricity heating or a hybrid system.

The VZBV sees ambiguities, which is often the case very different acquisition and operating costs the types of heating are concerned. When connecting to a heating network, consumers would not be able to estimate the costs for technical upgrades or even complete conversions. The Federal Association of the German Heating Industry (BDH) sees similar imponderables. With high investment costs, it is difficult to decide on a specific type of heating.

New heating: Green hydrogen not available

The consumer advocates point out that biomethane and green hydrogen in Germany will, for the time being, primarily be used in industry and not in private households should be used. Therefore they demand that the use of heating with green gases should not be presented as an option for consumers. Gas heaters advertised as “hydrogen-ready” should only be approved if enough hydrogen is available.

The German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW) states that the existing gas infrastructure can certainly have advantages over electric heat pumps. Even from one Discrimination of individual energy sources is already mentioned. The electrification of the heating sector is expensive, as other organizations have already pointed out.

According to the DVGW, politicians must “set the course for an ambitious ramp-up today” so that the heating sector can also be supplied with climate-neutral hydrogen from 2030 (source: Handelsblatt).

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Replacing heating: industry demands openness to technology

The BDH imagines a more pragmatic approach and calls for openness to technology. Just because the requirements for the share of renewable energies are designed to be ambitious, as planned, shouldn’t lead to a market slump. In the event of ambiguity, consumers could more often opt for a Repair of the existing plant decide to install a new heater. With capacities that are already scarce, this could lead to a wave of renovations.

The central association of the housing industry has also criticized the plans of the federal government. The main thing that bothers you here is that already created Investment plans thrown overboard would have to be if there were new legal requirements. The association is therefore calling for reliable funding and a simplification of the approval process for the renovation of existing buildings and the installation of renewable heating systems. Standardized solutions should help when installing heat pumps in apartment buildings.

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