Reporter threatened: CSU General Secretary Mayer resigns

reporter threatened
CSU General Secretary Mayer resigns

CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer has resigned after only a short term in office. “For health reasons, I asked the party leader of the CSU today to release me from my job as general secretary,” Mayer said in a statement distributed by the CSU.

CSU General Secretary Stephan Mayer has resigned after only a short term in office. “For health reasons, I asked the party leader of the CSU today to release me from my job as general secretary,” Mayer said in a statement. Previously, the politician is said to have massively threatened and blackmailed a reporter. As the “Bild” newspaper reports, the Munich-based Burda publishing house accuses the politician of having threatened a journalist from the “Bunte” magazine with “annihilation”.

Accordingly, Mayer is said to have literally said to the employee: “I will destroy you, I will find you, I will follow you to the end of your life, I demand 200,000 euros in compensation for pain and suffering, which you must transfer to me today.” In addition, Mayer asked the reporter to prevent the delivery of the “Bunte” edition.

According to the newspaper, the issue was about an eight-year-old illegitimate son, for whose maintenance Mayer should not pay. Officially, the CSU politician is single and childless. Mayer did not want to comment on the allegations against the “Bild” newspaper.

“Threats of annihilation against journalists by a representative of our parliament, i.e. a constitutional body, are an outrageous violation of the democratic rules of the game and the political culture in our country,” said Burda board member Philipp Welte of the “Bild” newspaper. “As a free press, we cannot and must not tolerate that.”

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