Requisition of Esso-ExxonMobil personnel: what will happen?

Requisitioned employees who refuse the measure risk six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 10,000 euros. Nicolas TUCAT / AFP

DECRYPTION – The government announced on Wednesday that it was launching a requisition procedure for striking Esso-ExxonMobil employees, while the strike was renewed in Port-Jérôme, Normandy.

After agitating the threat for several hours, the government finally decided. The requisition procedure for employees of the fuel depots of the Esso-ExxonMobil group was launched on Wednesday morning, the government announced. “I asked the prefects to initiate, as permitted by law, the procedure for requisitioning personnel”warned Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne before the National Assembly on Tuesday.

In this case, the measure only concerns the Esso-ExxonMobil depot in Port-Jérôme, in Normandy, that is to say the fuel storage areas, and not the refinery. The decision was taken after the mobilized employees voted to continue the strike on the site, Wednesday morning, after a moment of “floating“, Tuesday afternoon. The executive could go further: other requisition orders concerning the employees of the TotalEnergies depots are ready, the ministry said on Tuesday evening, and could be published if the conflict lasts.

Recourse to the police

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